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€ 43,50

Das wohltuende Basenbad zur konzentrierten Entlastung von Schadstoffen und effektiven Ausleitung von belastenden Säuren.

  • mit aktiviertem Vulkanmineral Zeolith-Klinoptilolith
  • für Teil- und Vollbäder
  • zur Regeneration von Körper, Geist und Seele

800g Pulver

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The alkaline bath LAVA BATH can be used as a full bath, partial bath, sitting bath or foot bath. The water temperature should be about 37° to 38° C. Two tablespoons of LAVA BATH are recommended for a full bath and one tablespoon for a partial bath. This dosage optimally supports the detoxification function through the skin.

The duration of the bath should not be less than 30 minutes in a full bath and 20 minutes in a partial bath, as the body only intensifies the elimination through the skin after this bath duration. A minimum of 40 to 60 minutes is recommended.

For intensive alkaline baths, simply extend the bath duration to 90 minutes. As a general rule, the longer the bath time, the better the effect.

LAVA BATH has a skin-caring and moisturising effect, so please do not use soap or shower after the alkaline bath. Simply shower with water, dry off and enjoy the gentle skin.

Zeolites (LavaVitae zeolite), sodium bicarbonates, sodium carbonates

Die ideale Ergänzung


Mit dem aktivierten Vulkanmineral

€ 49,90


Die Creme mit dem Vulkanmineral zur Pflege und Regeneration der Haut.

€ 54,20