The Special Quality


LAVA PURE - because not all zeolites are created equal

Trust comes with responsibility – LAVAVITAE stands for uncompromising quality.

On the global marketplace, numerous zeolite products are available in various compositions and for different purposes. Unfortunately, to the detriment of consumers, many of these products do not stand up to a valid quality comparison. As with LAVA PURE, a suitable zeolite product for internal human use must ensure the highest product quality and be CERTIFIED AS A MEDICAL DEVICE.

The Right Raw Material is Crucial

For our premium product, only high-purity natural zeolite clinoptilolite with very specific mineralogical properties is used. The extraction sites are carefully monitored for maximum CONTAMINANT-FREE standards and a crystal structure with an optimal silicon-aluminum ratio. This premium raw material is exclusively mined from the purest veins in the highest quality extraction areas.


Gentle Mining Preserves Effectiveness

Conventional mining would immediately contaminate the highly reactive volcanic mineral with pollutants and sharply reduce its reactivity. Therefore, our volcanic mineral is extracted using a controlled clean mining process. In fact, to extract one ton of the very best raw material, approximately 200 tons of rock material are discarded and used in industry and agriculture. A number of competitors also use lower-quality waste from our quarries.


The Physical Processing Makes the Difference

But now the real secret begins: the PATENTED PROCESSING. It is only through this special micronization and activation process that the active ingredient with those specific properties is created, leading to the impressive results in clinical research and the various applications for supporting health. Due to these different physical properties, various zeolite products cannot be considered equivalent. ZEOLITE is simply NOT THE SAME AS ZEOLITE.


The Refinement of LAVAVITAE

To optimize the vibrational properties

In addition to the great care taken in the selection, extraction, and processing of the powerful volcanic mineral, the medical product LAVA PURE is optimized on an energetic level using a UNIQUE METHOD by LAVAVITAE. Despite careful and gentle processes, there is an inevitable alteration of the original vibrational behavior of the processed raw materials during the production of natural products. To correct this influencing factor, LAVAVITAE has developed the refinement. This process adds a VALUABLE EXTRA BENEFIT to the application of LAVA PURE.

What is Refinement?

The refinement of LAVAVITAE is a specialized natural resonance process aimed at RESTORING the original vibration and INFORMATION CONTENT of the raw materials used. This procedure eliminates disruptive energetic influences that may arise during production and from environmental factors. It harmonizes these energetic overlays and maximizes the release of the ORIGINAL VIBRATION ENERGY of the raw materials.


Increase in Orderliness Level

Through refinement, the orderliness level of LAVA PURE is significantly enhanced. This means that the inherent vibration of the product becomes more regular and harmonious. A higher level of orderliness is generally associated with greater effectiveness and is intended to support energetic balance and boost LIFE ENERGY in the organism. However, such effects are naturally very challenging to prove. For this purpose, LAVAVITAE has chosen two proven methods.


Water Crystal Photography According to Emoto Shows Harmonious Forms

This method is based on the findings of the renowned water researcher Dr. Masaru Emoto, and the study was conducted at the HADO LIFE INSTITUTE he founded. Generally, the crystal images of LAVAVITAE products display particularly beautiful, regular, and hexagonal snowflake-like crystal forms. These harmonious structures are an indicator of high energetic quality and purity of the products. In particular, with LAVA PURE, a significant difference in the water crystal structure of the same product before and after the refinement process became visible. Before refinement, the crystals are less regular, and the central hexagon may not fully close. Refined samples, on the other hand, exhibit a clear and ordered structure.


In Vitro Cell Study Shows Outstanding Effects of LAVAVITAE Refinement

In 2018, LAVAVITAE commissioned a comparative cell biological study of various zeolite products at the renowned German cell research institute Dr. Dartsch, under the direction of study designer TILO RÖSSLER. The impressive results not only surprised externally, as none of the tested competitor zeolite products came anywhere near the outstanding properties of LAVA PURE. Additionally, the refined LAVA PURE samples achieved significantly better results in all test categories (antioxidant capacity / anti-inflammatory properties / wound healing promotion / ability to elevate cell energy levels) compared to samples without LAVAVITAE refinement.


Certificates and Approvals

LAVA PURE stands for consistently high quality, safety in application, and proven effectiveness.

The premium product LAVA PURE meets a wide range of safety criteria that ensure its high quality, efficacy, and safety for use. These stringent safety standards make LAVA PURE a trusted and effective medical product for supporting health.

Approval as a Medical Device

LAVA PURE is approved as a medical device of safety class IIb according to the European Medical Device Regulation and EU Regulation 2017/745. This classification ensures that the product meets the strict safety and quality requirements of European standards. As part of this certification, regular on-site audits are conducted by the Italian company EUROFINS, which is a designated authority appointed by the regulatory bodies.


CE Marking

The CE marking on LAVA PURE confirms that the product fully complies with European safety and health requirements. It is issued by an authorized body, in the case of LAVA PURE, this is the Italian company EUROFINS. The certifying body is also identifiable by the CE mark with the number CE-0477, which is printed on each individual container.


ISO Certification

The entire production process behind LAVA PURE is certified according to EN ISO 13485. This standard specifies the requirements for a comprehensive quality management system for manufacturers of medical devices and ensures that the production, organizational, and management processes are strictly controlled.


PMA Processing Technology

This unique process for micronizing and activating the raw material zeolite clinoptilolite significantly enhances the efficacy of this natural mineral in LAVA PURE. This technology is protected by a patent and ensures a measurable improvement in product performance.


Commitment to Clean Sport

Our products, LAVA PURE Capsules and LAVA PURE Powder, are regularly tested for selected doping substances.



Every container of LAVA PURE released to the market can be precisely traced. This ensures that the entire production chain is transparent and controlled.



Constant advancement, because those who stand still fall behind.

The active ingredient in LAVA PURE is continuously developed and researched in collaboration with renowned experts and European universities. This ensures that the product is always at the CUTTING EDGE of SCIENCE. Research began in the late 1990s, and several million euros have already been invested in independent studies. In most cases, additional studies are conducted simultaneously at multiple universities.

Pioneering Work in the Clinical Application of Zeolite

With our active ingredient, pioneering work has been done in this previously unknown detox agent in human applications, and we were the first in this market to provide both broad clinical applications in practice and corresponding evidence of effectiveness. The application of LAVA PURE in the clinical field has been ongoing since 2000, with its use for Irritable Bowel Syndrome starting in 2004. The first GOLD STANDARD STUDY in competitive sports was already conducted in 2004. Many of the effects experienced in practice have been repeatedly investigated and confirmed in standardized, independent studies using the proprietary active ingredient.


Safety Comes First

Self-funded, independent studies with our own product have always been the highest priority for our manufacturer. Only through research on our own active ingredient can we provide consumers and users of LAVA PURE with the safety and quality of the "original." Initially, it was crucial to demonstrate the safety of the active ingredient with studies according to OECD pharmaceutical standards. Currently, LAVA PURE even meets more safety criteria than those required for the stringent approval as a medical device of safety class IIb.


Proof of Effectiveness with the Proprietary Product

The internal use of lava stone by humans is exclusively approved in Europe as a medical device of safety class IIb. However, until a few years ago, manufacturers of zeolite products were not required to provide evidence of the effectiveness of their own product. A so-called "equivalence comparison," meaning reference to documented effects from other manufacturers, was sufficient. However, zeolite products are NOT COMPARABLE, as each form of specific processing also generates different physical properties in the final product. This shortcoming represented a potential misguidance of consumers and was consequently corrected in 2017 by the EU Regulation 2017/745 in the Medical Device Act. However, due to extensions of transition periods, medical devices of the lower safety class IIa are still available on the market without their own proof of effectiveness and only approved for short-term use of less than 30 days. For LAVA PURE, the proof of effectiveness existed years before this legislative amendment, and the SAFETY OF LONG-TERM USE has been OFFICIALLY VERIFIED and CONFIRMED.

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