Application of LAVA PURE


Who Can Benefit from LAVA PURE?

Curative and preventive effects

Whether you're dealing with stress and exhaustion, digestive issues, frequent infections, or increased exposure to toxins, LAVA PURE can support your body. This 100% natural medical product effectively binds a variety of defined toxins in the intestines, aiding in detoxification and regeneration of the gut while strengthening the barrier function of the intestinal mucosa. This regeneration of the sensitive intestinal wall barrier makes LAVA PURE a powerful ally for a HIGH-PERFORMANCE GUT. At the same time, its gentle detox effect relieves the subsequent detoxification systems, the kidneys and liver, and indirectly boosts the immune system through gut regeneration. These benefits provide excellent value for healthy individuals who are active in life or engaged in sports and fitness.

Detox ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil eines gesunden Lebensstils

Unsere Umwelt ist zunehmend von einer Vielzahl von Toxinen kontaminiert, die als unsichtbare Belastung auf unseren Körper einwirken. Da es sich dabei zu einem großen Teil um Substanzen handelt, für deren Ausscheidung der menschliche Organismus häufig keine ausreichenden Strategien oder Ressourcen hat, kommt es im Hintergrund zu einer KUMULATIVEN ANHÄUFUNG dieser TOXINE in den Geweben und Organen, beispielsweise zur Ablagerung von Blei in den Knochen. Das kann viele Jahre gut gehen, doch irgendwann kann ein Punkt erreicht sein, an dem es plötzlich zu VITALITÄTSVERLUST oder gar zu Krankheit kommt. Da der speziell aufbereitete Lavastein den Darm von bestimmten Schadstoffen befreit und damit den Organismus bei der Entgiftung unterstützt, kann die regelmäßige Einnahme von LAVA PURE als PRÄVENTIVER SCHUTZ zum ERHALT von GESUNDHEIT und LEISTUNGSFÄHIGKEIT empfohlen werden.


LAVA PURE als Hilfe für belastete Menschen

Speziell Menschen, die unter wiederkehrenden Belastungssituationen leiden oder oft unter Stress stehen, benötigen etwas mehr Unterstützung zur Stärkung ihrer Ressourcen. Auch bei chronischen Erkrankungen, Nahrungsmittelunverträglichkeiten oder Nahrungsmittelallergien sollte auf diese EINFACHE FORM der NATÜRLICHEN ENTLASTUNG des Körpers nicht vergessen werden. Damit wird das KÖRPEREIGENE KOMPENSATIONSVERMÖGEN gestärkt und der Organismus kann mit Belastungen generell wieder besser umgehen. Der Detox-Faktor entwickelt sich zunehmend mehr zu einer zentralen Säule stabiler Gesundheit.


LAVA PURE ist ideal beim Fasten oder Abnehmen

Bei einer Fastenkur unterstützt LAVA PURE den Entgiftungsprozess, da jede Fastenkur oder andere Form eines Abnehm-Programms mit einer MOBILISIERUNG von SCHADSTOFFEN aus dem FETTGEWEBE einhergeht. Eine Studie aus dem Jahr 2010 zeigte, dass die Serumkonzentration der Schadstoffe umso höher war, je länger die Kur dauerte und je höher der Gewichtsverlust war. Während des Fastenprogramms müssen die Entgiftungsorgane verstärkt den Abbau der freigesetzten Giftstoffe sicherstellen, weshalb es sinnvoll ist, die weitere Schadstoffzufuhr von außen zu reduzieren. Die Bindung von Schadstoffen im Darm und die Stärkung der inneren Schutzbarriere des Darms ist daher ein wichtiger Baustein, um Fasten- oder Abnehm-Maßnahmen zu unterstützen und das Auftreten sogenannter FASTEN- oder KUR-KRISEN zu VERMEIDEN.


LAVA PURE bei Raucherentwöhnung

Einen ähnlichen Hintergrund hat auch die unterstützende Einnahme von LAVA PURE bei einer Rauchentwöhnung. Zigarettenrauch ist eine Quelle sehr hoher Schadstoffbelastung, die dem Körper über lange Zeit zugeführt wird. Mit dem Stopp der weiteren Schadstoffzufuhr durch den Verzicht auf Zigaretten, beginnt der Körper verstärkt mit dem Abbau der bereits aufgenommenen Schadstoffe.


How do I take LAVA PURE?

Powder or Capsules – Which Suits You Better?

When taking LAVA PURE, you have the option between powder or capsules. Generally, the open powder is preferred because it disperses better in the body and can start working in the mouth and esophagus. However, the effectiveness is very good in both forms. Although the powder is completely tasteless and ultrafine, some people may find it bothersome in the mouth. In such cases, capsules are the preferred choice. On the other hand, some people do not like swallowing capsules, making the open powder a good alternative.

Recommended Dosage for Powder

Please take 1 measuring spoon of powder dissolved in a glass of water (at least 100 ml) 2 to 3 times daily. When stirring, use a SPOON made of PLASTIC, CERAMIC, or WOOD if possible – this optimizes the piezoelectric properties in the drink. Fill the measuring spoon with AIRY POWDER about three-quarters full (approximately 3 grams of powder). As the ultrafine rock powder settles over time, we recommend shaking the container after each use. Otherwise, a measuring spoon could contain up to 5 grams of powder.


Recommended Dosage for Capsules

Please take 3 capsules 3 times daily with a glass of water (at least 100 ml). Due to the limited space in the capsules, the dosage differs between powder and capsules regarding the amount of active ingredient consumed. While taking one measuring spoon of powder twice daily provides 6 grams of active ingredient, taking 3 x 3 capsules, totaling 9 capsules, provides less than 4 grams.


What to Take LAVA PURE With?

Make sure to take LAVA PURE with plenty of fluids. If you prefer not to take LAVA PURE directly with liquid, you can also stir it into soups, smoothies, yogurt, or muesli and consume it.


Timing of Intake

You can take LAVA PURE before, with, or independently of meals. Each of these options has minor differences and its own benefits.


What Should I Consider When Taking Medications?

If you are taking medications, please maintain a 2-HOUR SAFETY GAP between taking the medication and consuming the zeolite. It is recommended to take the MEDICATION FIRST and only take the volcanic mineral after the time gap.


How long should LAVA PURE be used?

LAVA PURE is the perfect companion for life.

LAVA PURE should be taken for at least 3 months in a course to achieve a strengthening effect on the intestinal wall. If LAVA PURE is used not preventively but for specific complaints, the intake should continue as long as it is beneficial. Due to ongoing environmental stressors, a preventive, lifelong daily intake to support a healthy lifestyle is generally recommended.

When Will I Feel an Effect?

The time it takes to feel an effect from taking the natural product LAVA PURE varies greatly from person to person and depends on factors such as whether there are existing symptoms. For preventive use, it might take a longer period of time before noticeable effects are experienced. In some cases, the benefits of LAVA PURE may only become apparent at the end of the course. Therefore, one should not necessarily expect immediate results from LAVA PURE, and the duration of use should not be determined solely by personal perception. A positive effect on stabilizing the internal protective barrier, the intestinal wall, requires prolonged and regular use of LAVA PURE.


The 3-Month Course with LAVA PURE

Scientific studies have shown that taking LAVA PURE for at least 3 months positively affects zonulin levels. ZONULIN is a natural regulator of intestinal permeability and is thus the most indicative marker for determining whether intestinal barrier permeability is increased. A minimum 3-month intake reliably reduces zonulin levels. The same phenomenon has been observed with pathologically elevated liver values. In user studies, there is a non-specific but significant reduction in abnormal liver values, regardless of their cause, with a 3-month intake.


LAVA PURE is Suitable for Lifelong Continuous Use

LAVA PURE has been tested and approved for continuous daily use and is deemed safe. It is ideal as a "lifestyle product" for daily application. This makes it easy to provide the intestine with a natural protective shield against the various stresses of our environment. This is true prevention: eliminating stresses before they can lead to problems!

Side Effects

Are there any side effects?

LAVA PURE works gently and is easy to digest.

The intake of our high-quality lava stone is proven to be very well tolerated. Over 20 years of market experience and more than 3 million products sold attest to its safety and efficacy in use.

Constipation as a Possible Side Effect

Occasional constipation is the only known side effect of this specially processed active ingredient. For individuals prone to constipation, it is advisable to drink plenty of FLUIDS and initially consider reducing the dosage if necessary. Additionally, a HIGH-FIBER diet can help strengthen bowel motility.


During Detox, Consider the Detox Paradox

The lava stone in LAVA PURE acts as a binder for various toxins. A binder neutralizes irritants and reliably eliminates them. The Detox Paradox describes an interesting effect that can occur during a detox process. It involves the discrepancy between the released toxins and the amount of binder available to adequately bind and excrete these toxins. If too little of the active ingredient is taken, there may not be enough binder to neutralize all mobilized toxins sufficiently. Consequently, temporary symptoms, commonly referred to as DETOX CRISIS, such as nausea, headaches, brain fog, or other forms of discomfort, can occur. If the body reacts strongly to detoxification, it can be helpful to try taking LAVA PURE at shorter intervals—such as every TWO HOURS—until the symptoms subside. This ensures that adequate binder is available for the mobilized toxins. This measure may seem contrary to the idea of reducing the dosage and starting gradually. Both approaches are reasonable, and the decision should be based on the current situation.


Consult Your Doctor in Special Situations or Illness

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, taking antirheumatic drugs, or undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy, please consult with your healthcare provider before starting LAVA PURE. Since LAVA PURE boosts the body's immune defenses, this should be considered in the context of your treatment.

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Body care with LAVA PURE