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How LAVA PURE Can Help with a Leaky Gut


Gesunder Lifestyle




Rene Tischhart

Irritable Bowel & Leaky Gut - How LAVA PURE Can Help with a Leaky Gut

Leaky Gut – What Is It?

The importance of the gut for our health was long underestimated. In recent years, however, this understanding has changed, and numerous scientific studies have confirmed the central role of the gut in overall well-being. Particularly in focus are the negative impacts of an imbalance in gut flora (dysbiosis) and the issue of increased permeability of the intestinal wall (Leaky Gut). As a result, a variety of complaints can arise, negatively affecting the entire organism.

What Symptoms Indicate a Leaky Gut?

If you suffer from Leaky Gut, many different symptoms can occur. Common signs include digestive issues such as bloating, abdominal cramps, or diarrhea. Food intolerances may also suddenly appear. In addition, skin problems like acne and eczema, chronic fatigue, concentration difficulties, or even mood swings up to depression can point to an overly permeable intestinal wall. A weakened gut can also lead to frequent infections and chronic inflammation.

What Exactly Is the Intestinal Wall Barrier?

The intestinal barrier consists of two layers: the intestinal mucosa and its protective mucus layer. This barrier acts like a filter, allowing useful substances to pass into the bloodstream via various transport mechanisms, while useless substances remain in the intestine and are excreted. Note that substances are only truly inside the body when they reach the bloodstream, from where they can potentially be transported to all tissues and organs. When harmful substances excessively cross the intestinal wall barrier, they can cause stress and damage in the body. Effective regeneration of the intestinal barrier therefore strengthens the body's shield against the various stresses that our modern diet inevitably brings. This is prevention in the truest sense.

How Can LAVA PURE Help Improve Your Gut Feeling?

Studies show that the premium zeolite from LAVAVITAE has supportive properties in treating Leaky Gut Syndrome. Its ability to bind and eliminate toxins relieves the digestive tract, helps to regenerate the intestinal wall, and restores physiological intestinal function. These interesting properties are increasingly being used in therapeutic approaches.

A scientific study from 2015 showed that the intake of our premium zeolite can reduce zonulin levels (a marker for Leaky Gut) by 30%, bringing them back to the normal range, indicating improved gut health. Furthermore, a recent study from the University of Vienna shows that the inflammatory marker alpha-1-antitrypsin is significantly reduced in patients with irritable bowel syndrome.

LAVA PURE thus supports a healthy lifestyle for more vitality and well-being, helping to regenerate and protect gut health preventively.

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